VIX: A Guide to the Volatility Index

ELI5 Definition
Last updated: Jul 10, 2023

Understanding the VIX

The Volatility Index, commonly known as the VIX, is a widely followed financial benchmark that measures market volatility and investor sentiment. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of the VIX, its significance, and how it can be used to gauge market expectations and manage risk.

💡 Key Ideas

  • Volatility Index: The VIX, or Volatility Index, measures market volatility and investor sentiment, providing insights into market expectations and risk perceptions.

  • Contrarian indicator: Traders can use the VIX as a contrarian indicator, potentially identifying market turning points based on extreme VIX readings.

  • Inverse correlation: When stock prices decline, the VIX tends to rise, reflecting increased market volatility and heightened investor concerns.

What is the VIX?

The VIX, introduced by the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) in 1993, is often referred to as the "fear gauge" or "fear index." It represents the market's expectation of near-term volatility conveyed through stock index option prices.

How is the VIX Calculated?

The VIX, also known as the CBOE Volatility Index, is calculated using a formula that takes into account the prices of options contracts on the S&P 500 Index. The calculation involves several steps:

  1. Selecting Options: The VIX calculation begins with the selection of a range of out-of-the-money put and call options on the S&P 500 Index. These options have different strike prices and expiration dates.

  2. Weighting Options: The selected options are weighted based on their contribution to the overall volatility measure. The weights are determined by the options' proximity to the current market price of the S&P 500 Index and their time to expiration. Options that are closer to expiration and closer to the current market price have higher weightings.

  3. Implied Volatility Calculation: For each selected option, the implied volatility is calculated. Implied volatility represents the market's expectation of future price fluctuations of the underlying asset, in this case, the S&P 500 Index. It is derived from the option's price using various pricing models, such as the Black-Scholes model.

  4. Smoothing and Interpolation: The calculated implied volatilities are smoothed and interpolated to create a volatility curve. This curve represents the volatility expectations for different expiration dates of the options contracts.

  5. Volatility Index Calculation: Using the volatility curve, the VIX is computed as the square root of the sum of squared percentage changes in the interpolated volatility values. This calculation is annualized to express the VIX as a percentage and represents the expected volatility over the next 30 days.

The CBOE updates the VIX value continuously throughout the trading day. As market conditions change and new option prices become available, the VIX calculation is adjusted to reflect the most current volatility expectations.

It's important to note that the VIX is a measure of anticipated volatility and not a direct measure of stock market direction or future price movements. It reflects market expectations for volatility in the near term and provides insights into investor sentiment and market risk perceptions.

Understanding the methodology behind the VIX calculation can help traders and investors interpret its readings and use it as a tool for risk management and market analysis.

Interpreting the VIX

A higher VIX value implies greater expected volatility, reflecting increased uncertainty and potentially turbulent market conditions. Conversely, a lower VIX suggests calmer market expectations. The VIX is often used as a contrarian indicator – high VIX levels may indicate market bottoms, while low VIX levels may signal market tops.

Significance of the VIX

  1. Market Sentiment: The VIX provides insights into market sentiment and investor expectations. It serves as a gauge of fear or complacency among market participants. High VIX readings may indicate fear and uncertainty, while low readings may suggest complacency or optimism.

  2. Risk Management: The VIX is a valuable tool for risk management. It helps traders and investors assess potential market volatility and adjust their strategies accordingly. During periods of heightened volatility, portfolio hedging and risk mitigation measures can be implemented using VIX-related instruments.

  3. Market Timing: Some traders utilize the VIX to time their market entries or exits. Extreme VIX levels can indicate overbought or oversold conditions, providing potential trading opportunities. However, caution is advised, as market timing based solely on the VIX can be challenging and may not always yield accurate results.

Using the VIX in Trading

The VIX can be a valuable tool for traders, providing insights into market volatility and potential trading opportunities. Here are a few ways traders utilize the VIX in their trading strategies:

1. VIX as a Market Timing Indicator

Traders often use the VIX as a market timing indicator to identify potential turning points in the market. Extremely high VIX readings may suggest an oversold market, indicating a potential buying opportunity. Conversely, very low VIX readings may signal an overbought market, indicating a potential selling opportunity. It's important to combine the VIX with other technical indicators and analysis to confirm signals and make informed trading decisions.

2. VIX as a Contrarian Indicator

The VIX is frequently used as a contrarian indicator. When the VIX reaches extreme levels, it may indicate a potential reversal in the market. For example, if the VIX reaches a significantly high value, suggesting excessive fear and market uncertainty, contrarian traders might interpret it as a signal for a market bottom and consider taking long positions. However, it's important to exercise caution and use additional analysis to confirm the potential reversal.

3. VIX-Related Trading Instruments

Various trading instruments are linked to the VIX, allowing traders to directly trade or hedge against market volatility. For example:

  • VIX Futures and Options: Traders can engage in futures or options contracts based on the VIX, speculating on future volatility levels or using them as risk management tools.

  • VIX Exchange-Traded Products (ETPs): Exchange-Traded Products, such as VIX ETFs or ETNs, track the VIX or VIX futures. These products allow traders to gain exposure to VIX movements without directly trading options or futures contracts.

Traders should thoroughly understand the mechanics, risks, and complexities associated with these VIX-related instruments before incorporating them into their trading strategies.

4. VIX Divergence Strategies

Traders may also use VIX divergence strategies, comparing the movement of the VIX with the underlying market index, such as the S&P 500. Divergence occurs when the VIX and the market index move in opposite directions. Traders may interpret such divergences as potential signals for market reversals or shifts in investor sentiment, enabling them to take advantage of trading opportunities.

5. Risk Management and Position Sizing

The VIX can be useful for risk management and position sizing decisions. Higher VIX readings indicate increased market volatility, which may warrant more cautious position sizing and risk management practices. Traders can adjust their position sizes, set appropriate stop-loss levels, or utilize options strategies to hedge against potential adverse market movements during periods of high volatility.

It's important to note that trading strategies involving the VIX carry risks, and careful analysis and risk management are crucial. Traders should combine the VIX with other indicators, conduct thorough research, and consider their risk tolerance and trading objectives before implementing VIX-based strategies.

Limitations and Considerations

  1. Forward-Looking Nature: The VIX reflects market expectations for future volatility. It does not predict the direction of the stock market or specific price movements.

  2. Focus on U.S. Equities: The VIX primarily tracks volatility expectations for U.S. equities, specifically the S&P 500 Index. It may not fully capture volatility expectations for other markets or asset classes.

  3. Short-Term Horizon: The VIX provides insights into short-term volatility expectations, typically around 30 days. It is not designed for long-term forecasting.


The VIX, or Volatility Index, is an important measure of market volatility and investor sentiment. It provides valuable information for assessing market risk, managing portfolios, and understanding market expectations. However, it's essential to consider the limitations and use the VIX in conjunction with other market indicators and analysis for a comprehensive view of market dynamics.

By monitoring the VIX and understanding its implications, traders and investors can make more informed decisions, adapt their strategies to changing market conditions, and potentially navigate the markets with greater confidence.

Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Please consult with a qualified financial professional before making any investment decisions.