ELI5: The 100% Equities Strategy

Advanced Definition
Last updated: Jul 27, 2023

The 100% Equities Strategy - Riding the Stock Market Roller Coaster

Imagine you have a magical potion that makes your money grow by investing only in exciting roller coaster rides. Well, the 100% Equities Strategy is somewhat like that! It's an investment approach where you put all your money into stocks, aiming to ride the ups and downs of the stock market to maximize potential returns. Don't worry; I'll explain it in simple terms using our roller coaster analogy!

💡 Key Ideas

  • Definition: The 100% Equities Strategy is an investment approach where an investor puts all their money into stocks, becoming a part-owner of different companies.

  • Sole Focus on Stocks: Unlike other diversified strategies, this approach solely concentrates on the excitement and potential returns of the stock market.

  • Potential for Higher Returns: The strategy aims for higher long-term returns as stocks historically have outperformed other investment options.

  • Riding Market Fluctuations: Like a thrilling roller coaster ride, the value of the investment fluctuates with the ups and downs of the stock market.

  • Suitability Consideration: The 100% Equities Strategy is typically suitable for long-term investors who can tolerate market volatility and seek higher growth potential.

Understanding the 100% Equities Strategy

Okay, let's break it down further:

What is the 100% Equities Strategy?

The 100% Equities Strategy is like a thrilling ride where you put all your investment money into stocks and become a part-owner of companies. Unlike other investment potions that mix different ingredients, this strategy focuses solely on the excitement of the stock market.

How Does It Work?

Imagine you have 100 magical coins to invest, and you choose to use the 100% Equities Strategy. Instead of spreading your coins across various investment potions, like bonds or real estate, you put all 100 coins into buying stocks of different companies.

For example, you might invest 20 coins in Company A, 30 coins in Company B, and 50 coins in Company C. You become a shareholder in these companies, and your money grows or shrinks based on how well each company performs in the magical marketplace.

Why Is It Exciting?

The 100% Equities Strategy is exciting because, like riding a roller coaster, the stock market can experience dramatic ups and downs. Sometimes, your investment potion (stocks) may soar high, bringing exhilarating returns. Other times, it may take a dip, causing temporary thrills.

The strategy offers the potential for higher returns compared to more conservative approaches because stocks historically have outperformed other investment potions over the long term.

Example: The Roller Coaster Ride of 100% Equities Strategy

Let's see how the 100% Equities Strategy works with a magical example. You invest 100 coins entirely in stocks.

YearStarting BalanceMarket PerformanceEnding Balance
Year 1100 coins+10%110 coins
Year 2110 coins-5%104.5 coins
Year 3104.5 coins+15%120.18 coins
Year 4120.18 coins-8%110.56 coins

As you can see, the value of your investment (coins) fluctuates each year due to the ups and downs of the market, creating an exciting roller coaster ride!


The 100% Equities Strategy is like an exhilarating roller coaster ride in the world of investments. By putting all your money into stocks, you aim to ride the ups and downs of the stock market and potentially enjoy higher long-term returns. Just like with any thrilling ride, there are moments of excitement and some temporary thrills. Remember, the 100% Equities Strategy is for those who can handle the magical roller coaster of the stock market and are in it for the long run!